All-In Festival


Join us in making it a nationwide rallying call for the final stretch of the election.

Disco Ball
Hands in the air illustration

Strength in numbers

Singular events are welcome; 
Event festivals, highly encouraged.

We’ll inspire and energize more people through festivals that become not-to-miss happenings that get everyone talking.

Featured Events

We all have a role to play. Here’s how you can get involved.


To Action

We all have a role to play. Here’s how you can get involved.

Host an Event

Submit your event to be added to our directory of events to support.
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Team up with your neighbors and friends to protect democracy.
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Team up with your neighbors and friends to protect democracy.
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Calls for creatives

Submit your event to be added to our directory of events to support.
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Calls for businesses

Team up with your neighbors and friends to protect democracy.
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Tell us your idea

Have an idea for a new call to action? Tell us about it!
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