Frequently Asked Questions


Who can participate?

Anyone! This call to action is for anyone that feels inspired to participate.


How will this campaign actually make a difference?

We believe communities can help raise millions of dollars to help get out the vote and to support pro-democracy organizations and candidates. Our events can also inspire people to inform and activate voters.


My community isn’t usually political. Why should we get involved?

It’s not a usual time. With American democracy at risk, it’s an all-hands-on-deck moment and we need leaders of all sorts to step up. For more on why we believe so much is at stake in this election, check out the About page.


My group is already working to protect democracy. Can we be part of this campaign?


Where do the raised funds go?

Organizers can chose where the funds go. So long as you’re raising money for a pro-democracy candidate or organization, we’re glad to include you in this campaign.


How did this campaign start? Who’s behind it?

This is a completely volunteer-led effort. It’s being created by people who believe active communities can protect our democracy and that coming together can infuse a difficult election year with joy, creativity and connection.


What if I want to create a different kind of event or help in some other way?

Go for it! You can tell us about your event idea or express interest in volunteer through this form.


To Action

We all have a role to play. Here’s how you can get involved.

Host an Event

Submit your event to be added to our directory of events to support.
Learn More


Team up with your neighbors and friends to protect democracy.
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Team up with your neighbors and friends to protect democracy.
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Calls for creatives

Submit your event to be added to our directory of events to support.
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Calls for businesses

Team up with your neighbors and friends to protect democracy.
Learn More

Tell us your idea

Have an idea for a new call to action? Tell us about it!
Learn More